You should say:
· where it is set
· what it is about
· what the main characters are
And explain why you like it.
Don’t forget to:
- Write 200 words
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts
Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
-Noam Chomsky-
I have always liked partying. I will give you that. However, I’m not really into going out that much. I’m much happier when we all meet up and party at our own places these days. Anyways, if I were to recommend good fun places to go in Santiago, I’d probably go for any of the bars you can find in Barrio Lastarria, although my favorite one is Berri (Rosal 300) because of its beautiful baroque (I guess) style and reasonable prices. It is actually very easy to get there. You can take the subway and get off at Bellas Artes or Universidad Católica station, both ways you’re going to have to walk for about 5 minutes to get there. When you are there, try to find a table on the second floor because that is the most picturesque part of the building. The music is fantastic, old records from the 50’s and 60’s, lots of Elvis and the like and the volume is just fine, you can actually listen to the person in front of you! What to order? Well, I really like the stout beer they have, they serve these never-ending glasses and they also have a very tasty hamburger with some really good pickles. I’m quite traditional in this sense, so if I like something it is very likely that I order the same all the time. I would definitely recommend this place because I’m happy every time I go there, that has to mean something, right?
Describe what (fun) things there are to do in Santiago and the places you can go.
You should say:
And explain why you would recommend this place.
Don’t forget to:
- Write 200 words
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts
My favourite band ever – and I mean it – is Radiohead. I started listening to their records back in the 90’s and haven’t stopped since then. As opposed to most people, I don’t associate their music to being down or anything like that. There are songs of course that literally hurt but that fact only shows that you are alive and, in my opinion, that is a great feeling and one that most brilliant musicians are able to convey with their music.
By the year 2000, a friend and I had created a sort of community for Chilean fans supported by the recording label EMI. Some years later we didn’t have time to take care of that anymore and we eventually gave up on that idea.
Last year was probably the high point of the whole story since Radiohead finally landed on Chilean soil, I went to the airport and saw them from the distance, then I went to the hotel where they were staying and met Thom Yorke, the lead singer and Ed O’Brien, the guitar player. I talked to them and they signed my records, words can’t express my feelings.
During the following days I attended both their concerts, saw them first row and cried when they played my favourite song “How to disappear”. I know it’s probably one of those songs that make you cry, but whatever… I just love it.
Ps: I took that picture myself, lovely, isn't it???
Now you tell me, what is your favourite band / singer?
You should write about:
Don't forget to
- Write 200 words
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts